M&A PME Lourenço Czernin M&A PME Lourenço Czernin

A Venda de uma Empresa é a Melhor Forma de Gerar Cashflow?

Quando um empresário é confrontado com a realidade de que, na melhor das hipóteses, recebe 4x o seu EBITDA na venda da sua empresa, invariavelmente me perguntam:

“Qual é o meu benefício em vender? Por esse valor trabalho mais quatro anos e recebo esse dinheiro”

A pergunta subjacente é: será melhor ter uma empresa ou capital?

A resposta é simples: depende.

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Carolina Czernin Carolina Czernin

Investing in Economic Uncertainty

An investment is any activity where you put your capital working for you through a return on that capital.

Usually, this means an initial expenditure for a later return.

Now, remember that money is capital, but there are other forms of capital: your personal network, skills, knowledge, and experience are also capital if they can generate wealth.

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Carolina Czernin Carolina Czernin

What Are Adequate Returns?

How much should your investment portfolio return?

This is the million-dollar question that no one will be able to answer. Because at any given year, the overall market will greatly impact returns.

Nobody knows how much the current bull run will provide in returns.

Nobody knows when or how much of a fall we will have in the next crash.
You can be sure there will be a crash, the question is when and how big of a crash.

This is not financial advice, just educational content.

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Carolina Czernin Carolina Czernin

Investment Portfolio

Recently, as I was going through a group created to help people make better investment decisions, I came across a great misconception:

“Your portfolio strategy depends on your objectives” is total and utter nonsense.

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Carolina Czernin Carolina Czernin

Just say no

What has saying “No” have to do with investment?


Because the quality of our yes’ is determined by the quantity of our no’s.

This week I read a post that asked: “You got promoted. Now what?”

And it reminded me of how I said no to a big promotion last year, which eventually led to me leaving the Air Force.

Am I suggesting you say no to your next promotion? Not at all.

Am I defending that not all “investment opportunities” are worth your time? Absolutely.

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